The inland depot therefore was set up in Dehui, Jilin, China. 为此我们在中国吉林德惠建立了内陆集装箱场站。
Optimization Model with Algorithm of Inland Empty Container Depot Location Problem 内陆集装箱空箱站场选址优化模型及算法研究
Inland empty container depot is the node of empty container allocation network, which is very important for a container transportation company to reduce cost and improve service quality. 内陆集装箱空箱站场是集装箱运输公司的内陆空箱调运网络的节点,其布局合理与否对集装箱运输公司降低成本、提高服务质量有重大影响。
It is commonly noticed for enterprises that a reasonable level of empty container should be determined. Optimization Model with Algorithm of Inland Empty Container Depot Location Problem 如何合理地确定集装箱空箱保存量,是每一个集装箱运输企业所普遍关注的问题。内陆集装箱空箱站场选址优化模型及算法研究
Another name of inland dry port is container inland port, means the container depot set up by the coastal port in inland area which has the port function of customs and inspection and quarantine. 内陆无水港又称集装箱内陆港,是指沿海港口在内陆地区辟建的拥有海关和检验检疫等口岸功能的集装箱场站。